Agora Civis Maritimus

Halle Tropisme 


19 June – 6.30 PM 


In partnership with Halle Tropisme and the major national commission ‘Radioscopie de la France: regards sur un pays traversé par la crise sanitaire’, funded by the French Ministry of Culture and led by BnF.

With the support of the Drac Occitanie and M28.


Join us on Wednesday 19 June at the Halle Tropisme (Montpellier) for an Agora Civis Maritimus combining photo performances and music between land and sea, in partnership with the major national commission ‘Radioscopie de la France: regards sur un pays traversé par la crie sanitaire’.



Civis Maritimus Agoras are public meetings designed and presented as part of the ‘Civis Maritimus – Citizens of the Seas’ programme. They take spectators into an interactive, embodied and lively relationship with artists on subjects linking human beings and the marine world.
The agora at Halle Tropisme on 19 June is being organised with the support of the major national commission ‘Radioscopie de la France: regards sur un pays traversé par la crise sanitaire’, funded by the French Ministry of Culture and piloted by BnF.


Photographers Manon Lanjouère, Marine Lanier, Romain Laurendeau and musician Laurent Marion will be talking about the special connection they have with the marine world, water and the environment in their recent work. Vincent Marcilhacy, co-founder of The Eyes Publishing and Eyes Wide Open, will present the basics of a primer on common words about the sea.


© Marine Lanier, “Le jardin d’Hannibale”


Marine Lanier will be taking us on a journey at the crossroads of her two latest series, Le jardin d’Hannibal and L’habit du naufrage. The first takes place in the garden of Le Lautaret, perched at 2100 m, the highest altitude garden in Europe and a unique conservatory of the diversity of Alpine flora. The second takes the form of a maritime tale where groves and oceanic bestiaries, tortured sailors, silent nights, monstrous waves and mysterious depths meet.


Photography ADAGP, Paris 2023 © Manon Lanjouère “Les Particules”


French artist and photographer Manon Lanjouère, born in 1993 and based in Saint-Malo, will be sharing her experience with the project Les Particules: le conte humain d’une eau qui meurt, in which she tackles the subject of plastic pollution of water and its dramatic consequences for the planet and the health and lives of all living beings.


© Romain Lanrendeau “La Longue route de sable”


Romain Laurendeau, a photographer based in Toulouse, will take us on a journey through his project La longue route de sable, inspired by the journey of writer Pier Paolo Pasolini who, in the summer of 1959, made a complete tour of Italian beaches as a special correspondent for the popular magazine Successo. Following in Pasolini’s footsteps, and in the tradition of photographic wandering, Romain Laurendeau travelled the length and breadth of the French coastline to take an intimate and sensitive look at the French people and their travel and tourism habits in these times of crisis and change.


© Anaëlle Cathala & Laurent Marion – Deer / From the shore


Folk-alternative artist Laurent Marion invites us to plunge into the world of his track From the shore. Between the emotion of the sound, the power of the text and the inner experience, Laurent Marion shares with us the whole journey of a project that literally takes you on board. The meeting, the love, the choices, the doubts and the glances, the wind, the light of the sea, the swell and the return to the shore, a plural voyage in images and sounds.


Extract from the “Abcdaire des mots courant de la mer” © Nicolas Floc’h, Colonne d’eau, – 20, Port Miou, Méditerranée, 2018


Co-founder of the Civis Maritimus programme, Vincent Marcilhacy invites us on a journey through a series of striking analogies between the words we use in our everyday, rather earthbound lives and our coexistence with the sea and its environments. Common good, resilience, burn out, shelter, quarantine, reserve… ordinary words that make up a salutary ABC of the Sea.


The Agora Civis Maritimus at Halle Tropisme is organised with the complicity of the major national commission ‘Radioscopie de la France: regards sur un pays traversé par la crise sanitaire’, funded by the Ministry of Culture and piloted by the BnF, with the support of the Drac Occitanie, M28 and Halle Tropisme.







manon lanjouère

Les Particule, a human tale of dying water, takes a poetic, artistic approach to the issue of ocean pollution. Each image, through its plastic beauty, invites contemplation, but also, through its visual force, action.

A book that testifies to the power of artistic creation to transform society.


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LES PARTICULES – Limited Editions

Les Particules, a human tale of dying water, takes a poetic, artistic approach to the issue of ocean pollution. Each image, through its plastic beauty, invites contemplation, but also, through its visual force, action. A book that testifies to the power of artistic creation to transform society.

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