The Eyes #12 (limited edition)


Limited edition 

17 x 24 cm – 240 pages

Languages: French and English (two different editions)
Graphic design: Sarah Boris Studio

ISBN: 979-10-92727-47-0


With a signed and numbered print by Rémy Bourdeau 

15 x 19 cm

Paper: RC Satiné

Edition of 5 copies


THE EYES #12 / b-sde

photographY . AFROPEAN . FUSION

With a print by Rémy Bourdeau 


B-Side, invites its readers to a visual exploration of what it means to be Afropean, a notion of expertise of our guest curator Johny Pitts, British photographer and author.

Historical and contemporary photographers, seminal and singular books and journals will explore the diversity of black identities as experienced in Europe.


Entitled B-Side, this issue is strongly inspired by music, the field that gave birth to the term Afropean. B-Side is also an opportunity to take an offbeat approach and look at the B-side, the one we don’t hear much about and see most of the time in a marginal way.