Opening of the first exhibition program at the Institut pour la photographie of Lille

extra-ORDINAIRE , opening Week-end at the  Institut pour la photographique of Lille

First exhibition program from November 12th to 15th – a very exciting, free entry, event !

From the 12th till the 15th of October 2019


Institut pour la Photographie,

11 rue Thionville,

59000 – LILLE




Photographic perspectives on everyday life

Exhibitions, workshops, events


In the first exhibition program of Institut pour la photographie of Lille, we can discover many photographic exhibitions, workshops and events in the every day life photography topic.


Never before have we used photography so much to share our everyday lives. From family portraits to street photography, postcards to digital applications, this first programme reveals how photographers, artists, amateurs and entrepreneurs have continually appropriated the medium to record, question and even glorify the banality of everyday life from the 19th century to the present day.


This free event, with its seven original exhibitions, is, above all, an opportunity to share a preview of the Institut pour la photographie’s project with you. The library, workshops, publishing exhibition, portfolios and evening openings will be opportunities to invite all audiences to discuss and experiment with photography, all of which we hope will be “extraORDINARY” moments!


LISETTE MODEL, Une école du regard
Leon Levinstein, Diane Arbus, Rosalind Fox Solomon, Mary Ellen Mark

LAURA HENNO, Radical Devotion 

THOMAS STRUTH, Portraits de famille 

HOME SWEET HOME, 1970-2018 : la maison britannique, une histoire politique

GREETINGS FROM AMERICA, La carte postale américaine, 1900-1940

THOMAS SAUVIN, Beijing World Park


+ PAOLO CIRIO, Street Ghosts, an installation