16.5 x 24 cm
106 pages
A photobook featuring a fictional story by Carole Naggar about the extraordinary parallel lives of Magnum photographer and co-founder David “Chim” Seymour and Tereska Adwentowska, a young Polish girl who was the main subject of one of her most famous photographs.
Photographers, publishers or graphic designers are invited to revisit their work and reveal their intentions. In the course of the interviews, a geography of contemporary photography is sketched.
Conversations est un ouvrage d’entretiens avec des photographes contemporains qui a pour objectif de leur donner une place de choix pour qu’ils puissent faire entendre leur voix dans le domaine de l’édition.
Existe en édition limitée.
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The book is an exploration of an African concept of life after death known as Sasa and Zamani. Inspired by the work of Kenyan philosopher John Mbiti, Marwan T. Assaf examines our relationship with death, memory of the deceased and how these relate to photography.