30.5 x 22 cm
38 pages
In the series “Tiksi”, named after a small town in Siberia where the photographer is from, Evgenia Arbugaeva observes the peculiarities of the far north through the eyes and games of a little girl. Between weather balloons and aurora borealis, each image is imbued with an unreal atmosphere that evokes that of fairy tales.
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“Changing times: Art facing a new world” brings together proposals from artist world and authors inviting us to question how the world of art and more specifically the visual art – can act, react and interact in the face of the constantly changing environment in which we live.
First French edition of the cult book by Dutch photographer Ed van der Elsken, Love on the Left Bank.
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A photobook featuring a fictional story by Carole Naggar about the extraordinary parallel lives of Magnum photographer and co-founder David “Chim” Seymour and Tereska Adwentowska, a young Polish girl who was the main subject of one of her most famous photographs.