alain bizos
21 x 28 cm
120 pages
Monograph devoted to Alain Bizos, founding member of Libération in 1973.
Conversations est un ouvrage d’entretiens avec des photographes contemporains qui a pour objectif de leur donner une place de choix pour qu’ils puissent faire entendre leur voix dans le domaine de l’édition.
Existe en édition limitée.
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This photographic autobiography details the many journeys of the great photographer Christer Stromhölm around the world in a book constructed as an existentialist diary.
Only 2 copies left !
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The book is an exploration of an African concept of life after death known as Sasa and Zamani. Inspired by the work of Kenyan philosopher John Mbiti, Marwan T. Assaf examines our relationship with death, memory of the deceased and how these relate to photography.