SHOP Category : Collector edition
Collector edition
Conversations, Vol. 3 (collector edition)
135€ Add to cartRémi Coignet & Julián Barón
Limited edition with a signed and numbered print by Edmund Clark (edition of 5 + 2 Artist Proof).
A third volume of Rémi Coignet’s Conversations that focuses on photographers who are particularly interested in editing and editorial work.
Collector edition
Artistic parallel
Limited edition presented in a boxed set and accompanied by a signed and numbered print of Antoine d’Agata, as well as a reproduction of a graphic work by Francis Bacon certified by Bruno Sabatier, founder and director of the JSC Modern Art Gallery, depositary of the catalog raisonné of Francis Bacon’s graphic work.
Out of Stock
540€ -
Collector edition
Conversations, Vol. 3 (collector edition)
135€ Add to cartRémi Coignet & carlos spottorno
Limited edition with a print signed and numbered by Carlos Spottorno (edition of 5 + 2 Artist Proof)
A third volume of Rémi Coignet’s Conversations that focuses on photographers who are particularly interested in editing and editorial work.
Collector edition
Limited Edition // Equation of time
180€ Add to cartRaphaël Dallaporta
Equation of time is an artistic and scientific experiment initiated in 2018 at the Paris Observatory by photographer Raphaël Dallaporta.
Limited edition with a signed book and an inkjet print on Japanese paper signed and numbered.
Book, Collector edition
Accepte-le – Un album portugais 1919-1979 (collector edition)
900€ Add to cartCéline Gaille
This first-person photographic account of a woman in her fifties takes the form of a family photo album.
Collector edition
Hors normes
Denis Darzacq, Djamel Tatah and Christien Biecher
Signed and numbered by Djamel Tatah
Edition of 20 boxes
Collector edition
Tractor Boys (Collector Edition)
marTin bogren
In a box, limited to 15 copies
with a 13 x 18 cm signed and numbered print.Out of Stock
405€ -
Collector edition
Regards Fulgurants (Collector Edition)
405€ Add to cartalain bizos
Limited to 20 copies, with a cibachromme 18 x 24 cm print, signed and numbered.
Collector edition
Les Amies de Place Blanche (Édition Collector)
630€ Add to cartChrister StRömholm
Book in a box, accompanied by an 18 x 24 cm print signed and certified by the rightful owner and numbered to 9 copies
3 images to choose from. -
Collector edition
Les Amies de Place Blanche (Limited Edition)
630€ Add to cartChrister Stömholm
Sous coffret, limitée à 15 exemplaires
accompagnée d’un tirage 18 x 24 cm signé et numéroté. -
Collector edition
Gröna Lund (édition collector)
405€ Add to cartanders petersen
Reliuire à la suisse, limitée à 20 exemplaires avec un tirage 18×24 cm signé et numéroté.